Let Termux be our topic today. It is an Android application which is a Terminal Emulator distributed by Fredrik Fornwall. It creates exactly the same working environment of Linux Terminal on Android. Take a try.
It can be installed from Google Play Store. Navigate from here.
It can be installed from Google Play Store. Navigate from here.
After the environment is set, go to App settings from the System Settings and give the App Storage permission.
Basic linux command like cd, ls, pwd, cat, touch and many more or almost all can be made here on this prompt.
To install packages like Python or Pip type in
packages install <packageName>
It's that simple. Similarly, to execute a program or a package, type <packageName> then, the corresponding help will be appear. Rest is with you.
packages install <packageName>
It's that simple. Similarly, to execute a program or a package, type <packageName> then, the corresponding help will be appear. Rest is with you.
This is how an installation screen appears to be..
Now, about storage. As the initial step, type in
Typing pwd gives the current working directory and it will be something like /data/data/com.termux/files/home. To change it to the Internal storage or sdCard of your device, you can use: cd /storage/emulated/0
Thats all. The environment is now ready for testing. This is a very useful and appreciable application for it helps a lot in web automations and so on using Python without a desktop/laptop computer turned on 24*7 because a phone, stating personally, is always on and networked.
You can refer to "VIEWING OR ACCESSING A WEBSITE USING TERMINAL" in my next blog.
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